Evolution Series: Deep Guts

Deep Guts

Deep Guts run cheap on video-

Nagging aspirations and duties

that won’t leave you alone.

Lethargy has taken a room upstairs,

screams “Join me”

as you languish away,

watching what’s supposed to be done just sit there,

left to simmer.

How do you justify guilt?

What’s supposed to be measured against what truly is?

In this case

Smack the shit out of the developing landscape,

Grab Guts by the balls,

Force a new director to take over and

Film the video you really want–no, need to shoot!

And hell, don’t bullshit the bull-shitter!

Guts is stronger than you imagine.

It has elasticity, it can bend and sway.

It can get you to the end

And in the end—you just jammed it, my friend.


If you are worried about your drinking, and you’ve got the guts to do something about it, please consider joining us in our SHOUT Sobriety program.

SHOUT Sobriety

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Evolution Series: Owning My Story
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