Stigma – Video of My Sermon

When I gave the benediction on Sunday to conclude the church service where I had just delivered the sermon, I told the congregation they were made up of three groups of people. Some people were there because of concerns about their drinking or the drinking of a loved one. Some people were there because they are my friends and they love me and I thanked them very much. Some people were there because that’s where they go to church and they had no idea I was going to take to the pulpit to share my story and encourage them to help end the stigma associated with alcoholism.

It was a wonderful experience, and I appreciate the warm attention and feedback I received from everyone in attendance. If you were not in attendance, we tried to bring the sermon to you via video. The audio quality could be better, but at least the video quality is equally skitchy. I hope you listen anyway, and I invite you to share you opinion of my opinions by leaving comments on this blog post.

If you agree with my assertions, let me know. If you think I am missing the mark, I would love to hear your take. I am not looking for attaboys. I am hopeful you, my beloved readers, will advance this conversation. Your opinion matters in the fight the end this deadly stigma.

Who’s to Blame?: The Ownership Conundrum
April 14, 2021
Gather Up the Pieces
October 20, 2021
Alcoholism is Hilarious
February 19, 2020
  • Reply
    June 13, 2018 at 10:29 pm

    So great to be there to hear you Sunday and meet after. A very important message delivered with eloquence. Thank you!!

    • Reply
      Matt Salis
      June 14, 2018 at 4:36 am

      I so appreciate you being there Sunday, Simone. Let’s keep rolling down this path together.

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