Tag: detachment

Evolution Series: You’re Right, I Am the One Who Changed

You're Right, I Am the One Who Changed

It’s true. I have changed, and I do remember how much fun it was.


I remember college, flooding the doorway of Bullfeathers with friends, my fake ID and phony confidence persuading the bouncer that my blue eyes really are brown, just for tonight.


We’d dance, laugh, maybe kiss a boy and then head home – well, those of us not going back with a boy. There’d be late-night pizza and late-morning snoozing before loading up the backpack to hit the stacks and study ourselves silly.


I remember the nights with you in Paul’s Club, the tree in that bar, the antique velvet couches and moody lighting. We’d share a pitcher seated criminally close, constantly in conversation with locked eyes and wandering hands that eventually led us back to my apartment. The drinks only added an element of magic, a surreal film over the evening. I loved those nights and those mornings.

Evolution Series: Don’t Ask About Him

Don't Ask Me About Him

Please ask about my cats. Elvis and Carson are my loyal little companions, but even more importantly, they are my family. They are my comfort, my unconditional loves and my best friends. Ask about them and enjoy my smile as I tell you all about their perfect little furry faces.


Please don’t ask about Louie. I’ve distanced myself, and I don’t know the everyday details of how he’s doing. You asking about him reminds me of the distance, the detachment and the walls I’ve had to build to protect myself. You don’t know all of this, and I know that no malice exists behind your innocent question.

Evolution Series: When the Solution is the Problem

When the Solution is the Problem

I have not been taking my meds

     My personalities have never felt better

The programming was not working

     So I switched off all the channels

Unlike Neo I took both pills

     Turned into my inner child

Now I’m rolling and running down hill

    Still profoundly upset with our depravity

I would argue the point that we are not civilized humanity

   My best thinking had me drinking, drugging, and With myself   Stuck IN

Evolution Series: There Was Before and then There Was After

There Was Before and then There Was After

We lie to ourselves and others about minor things, major things, and all the things in between. There was before, then there was after, and again, everything in between.


The things we wished we had said and the things we ended up saying that weren’t quite right and didn’t land the way we wished they would, and possibly their feelings wouldn’t have been so hurt, or there wouldn’t have been such a misunderstanding if only the words had been right.


But the right words are for the right situations, and when things are messy, and misunderstandings are already the tapestry that has been laid, that encloses and surrounds a relationship, it doesn’t seem to matter how one says anything.

Evolution Series: The Uninvitation that Changed Our Lives

The Uninvitation that Changed Our Lives

“You drive tonight and I’ll drive another day.”


Even though I anticipated getting a text like this from my husband today, it still gets my stomach churning and darkens my mood. By now, I’m fluent at translating these texts, and this one is easy: “I’m coming home early to drink so I can be plastered by tonight. I won’t be able to safely drive our family anywhere, so it’s on you.”